12 Major Endocrine Disruptors

Mar, 13, 2019

According to the EWG (Environmental Working Group), there are 12 major hormone-altering chemicals that many of us encounter on the daily. Unfortunately there is no possibility for us to completely rid ourselves of these disrupters, however, there are steps we can take to limit our exposure.

  1. Dioxin- Dioxins are formed when chlorine/bromine is burned and then comes into contact with carbon and oxygen. Dioxins disrupt the signaling systems of male and female sex hormones. Research concludes that exposure to dioxins in the womb and in the early stages of life can lead to the possibility of lowered sperm count in men. Dioxins are also carcinogens (meaning it has the capacity to cause cancer), and have the possibility to affect both the immune and reproductive systems. It is extremely difficult to avoid dioxins as the industrial release of dioxins has caused the American food supply to become contaminated. Meat, fish, milk, eggs, and butter experience the most contamination. To decrease exposure to dioxins, your safest bet is to reduce your consumption of animal products. 
  2. Atrazine- Atrazine is an endocrine disruptor that is found in corn crops throughout the United States and in our drinking water. Atrazine was released into the nature and researchers have found that exposure to atrazine feminized male frogs, causing them to become female frogs and producing eggs. Atrazine is believed to cause breast tumors, delay puberty and causes prostate inflammation in animals. Recent research has concluded that some people have been diagnosed with prostate cancer due to exposure to atrazine. To avoid exposure to atrazine, you should buy organic produce and use a certified drinking water filter. 
  3. Phthalates- Phthalates are chemicals that cause “death-induced signaling” in testicular cells which causes cells to die. Studies have proven that phthalates cause changes in hormones, lowered sperm count, a decrease in the mobility of sperm, birth defects in the male reproductive system, obesity, diabetes, and thyroid irregularities. To avoid exposure to phthalates you should avoid plastic food containers, children’s toys, plastic wrap made from PVC, and personal hygiene products that contain phthalates. Many skin-care companies will disguise phthalates under the word “fragrance.” 
  4. Perchlorate- Perchlorate is a component in rocket fuel which is known to contaminate fresh produce and milk. When you are exposed to perchlorate, it will alter your thyroid hormone balance. This is problematic because these hormones are responsible for regulating metabolism in adults and are vital for proper brain and organ development in infants and young children. You can reduce your exposure to perchlorate by drinking your water from a reverse osmosis filter. In terms of food contamination, it is extremely difficult to limit your exposure. So, to reduce the potential effects of exposure, you should add a normal and healthy amount of iodine to your diet. 
  5. Fire Retardants- Fire retardants are known as polybrominated biphenyl ethers or PBDEs. PBDEs have been found around the world contaminating people and wildlife. These chemicals will imitate thyroid hormones and disrupt the thyroid’s activity. This can lead to a lower IQ, amongst other serious health concerns. Unfortunately, PBDEs are known as persistent chemicals, which leads to them contaminating the wildlife and people for decades. It is incredibly difficult to decrease your exposure to fire retardants. It is possible to use a vacuum with a HEPA filter that will allow for a decrease of toxic dust flowing through your house. Another option is to avoid reupholstering foam furniture and replacing old carpet as the padding beneath is known to contain PBDEs.
  6. Lead- lead is a heavy metal that is extremely toxic. It affects almost every organ system in the human body and has been known to cause permanent brain damage, lowered IQ, hearing loss, miscarriages, premature birth, increased blood pressure, kidney damage, and issues impacting the nervous system. Lead also affects your hormones b y causing a disruption of the hormone signaling that regulates your body’s stress system, also known as the HPA axis. To reduce lead exposure you should only drink filtered water and carefully remove all old/crumbling paint from your walls. Studies have also shown that people with healthier and cleaner diets are less likely to absorb lead, perhaps try to eat a healthier diet. 
  7. Arsenic- Arsenic is a poison found in our food and water. I’m sure we’ve all heard about arsenic poisonings in murder mysteries, but the reality is, arsenic can kill anyone in large amounts. In small amounts, arsenic will cause skin, bladder, and lung cancer. Arsenic also disrupts your hormones. It disrupts the normal hormone functioning in the glucocorticoid system, this regulates how our bodies processes carbohydrates. This disruption has been said to cause weight gain/loss, insulin resistance (which is known to lead to diabetes), osteoporosis, delayed growth, and increased blood pressure. To reduce your exposure to arsenic, you should use a water filter that specializes in lowering arsenic levels.
  8. Mercury- Mercury is a naturally occurring toxic metal. Mercury is released into the air and the oceans when coal is burned. Mercury finds its way into the fish that we consume. Mercury is known to bind directly to a particular hormone, which regulates a women’s menstrual cycle and ovulation. Mercury can also concentrate in the fetal brain and interferes with the brain development of the fetus. It is also possible that mercury plays a role in diabetes. To reduce exposure to mercury, cut back on your fish consumption. If you do continue to eat fish/seafood, wild salmon is a great option for low levels of mercury. 
  9. Perfluorinated Chemicals (PFCS)- Perflurochemicals are found in nonstick cookware and it has been concluded that 99% of Americans have perflurochemicals in their bodies. One compound, PFOA is “completely resistant to biodegradation,” meaning that it doesn’t ever break down in the environment. Exposure to PFOA has been associated with lower sperm quality, a decrease in birth weight, kidney disease, thyroid disease, and high cholesterol, etc. It is unknown how PFOA affects human hormone levels, however, studies in animals have shown that it affects thyroid and sex hormone levels. To avoid PFCS you should not use non-stick pans or water-resistant coatings on clothing, furniture, and carpets. 
  10. Organophosphate Pesticides- Organophosphate pesticides were originally produced by the Nazis in World War II as a means of chemical warfare. Although never used by the Nazis, American scientists use the same chemical to develop a string of pesticides that affects the nervous systems of insects. many studies have attributed organophosphate exposure to effects on brain development, behavior, and fertility. However, they are still one of the most common pesticides used today. Organophosphates affect the human body by interfering with the communication of testosterone and cells, lowering testosterone levels, and altering thyroid hormone levels. To avoid exposure to organophosphate pesticides, buy organic produce.  
  11. Glycol Ethers- Glycol ethers are common solvents in paints, cleaning products, brake fluid, and cosmetics. The European Union has concluded that these chemicals “may damage fertility or the unborn child.” Studies on rats has shown that when exposed to glycol ethers, the testicles shrink. As for studies on humans, one study showed that painters who came into contact with glycol ethers over long periods fo time have blood abnormalities and lower sperm counts, Another study showed that children who were exposed to glycol ethers via paint in their rooms have more asthma and allergies than a child who wasn’t exposed. To reduce exposure to glycol ethers. avoid using/buying products with 2-butoxyethanol (EGBE) and methoxqdiglycol (DEGME). 


Hi! I'm Isabel, the editor and creator of this website. I built this website to help other girls overcome the struggles they often face in middle school, high school, and college. I hope you enjoy this blog and break free from the negativity we surround ourselves with! Cheers!


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